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Showing posts from November, 2010

Snow City

Burr I don't even want to go outside today because it's 19 degrees right now. Poor kids had to go to school,  no snow days here. He even switched to a normal sized back pack so he can bring his snow suit to school for recess time. Danielle has driven to school and back home which is a little nerve racking but she's doing good and the practice is good for her. Unlike all the people in Seattle, she will be prepared if the weather takes a turn for the worst when she gets older. Since it's Lincoln's first real sticking snow, I threw him in his snow suit and plopped him next to Dylan to make the first snow angels of the season. As soon as pictures were done we were back inside, too too cold. His little nose got red in a minute of time so I think we'll spend the rest of the day inside by the fire. Tomorrow I do have to hit the grocery store and I am going to try the hard core couponing that I've read about on other blogs, mainly I'll bri...

Tonsils, tummy time and tiredness

So let's see... Dylan is getting his tonsils and adinoids (sp) out on December 6th so I'll have him home for probably at least a week with that. He kept getting strep throat and the doctor said "well we either take them out or do nothing." so we're taking them out. He is slightly unaware of how he's actually going to feel afterward, but the promise of all the gatoraid and milkshakes he can drink is keeping him happy at the moment. Lincoln is growing like a weed still. At his 4 month check up yesterday he weighed in at 19lbs3oz and is 26 inches long. He had to get a few vaccines so hopefully he's still in a good mood today since yesterday he was actually really relaxed/tired, I don't know which one. He can also roll from his tummy to his back either way and can roll from one side to the other but not from his back to his tummy, yet. The doctor still says no food until he can sit up on his own (choking hazard) so nothing at Thanksgiving, but maybe by Ch...

Halloween, Having fun and Handymen

Lincoln in his pumpkin suit next to the pumpkin Dylan got on his first field trip. Baby's first Halloween. Sitting at blue table with his friends Dylan showing off his costume at the school party Danielle the french maid. A free costume is better than no costume The boys playing Ele-fun together Shane and Lincoln putting in a new bathroom sink in the kids/guest bath