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Showing posts from October, 2011

What the Happenings

Lincoln tried out Play-Doh for the first time a while ago. He really liked breaking it up into tiny pieces and trying to put it back in the container. And he didn't try to put it in his mouth too many times. As you can tell by the picture he got tired out from all the creativity pretty quickly so we'll try it again when he has a little more vigor for the squishy stuff. I think this picture is from our drive over to Richland a few weeks ago. We headed over there to visit Shane's grandma and the a bbq at his brothers house. The kids love pictures of themselves and Danielle took this picture of the both of them.  Waiting to get Shane's winter tires on the jeep, Lincoln had fun checking out the giant tires at Les Schwab. There was one big enough he could crawl into but he wasn't a fan of being shoved in there. He loves to climb and explore and get himself stuck, but only on his own accord. He does not like authority trying to tell him what to do (gee I wonder where ...

Freezer Meals

I am getting so excited about making freezer meals for the fall and winter. At our October meeting we will be having a Pampered Chef consultant come in and demonstrate how to make several freezer meals. I've also printed out tons of recipes I've fallen in love with over the last few years. I am also looking forward to reading the book The Ultimate Guide to Freezer Friendly Meals by Kate Ahl & Angela Davis. They run this blog that I love and one of the few I count on to get good local deals. Making freezer meals gives me plenty of extra time to clean up messes like this!

Parenting Pie Chart

I saw this on a website earlier today and I can definitely agree with it. Especially the 19% of drool, snot and general sickness. The other day I thought Lincoln was being sweet and cuddling his head on my shoulder. Come to find out he was trying to wipe a booger onto my shirt. Luckily nose picking hasn't started yet.