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Showing posts from October, 2013

Win Some and Lose Some

Reading a library book together at bedtime. It is the most wonderful feeling to know that my boys will grow up with their brothers. To have siblings to be picked on by and to be loved by unconditionally. Dylan is a great big bro. He will play with the littles, read to them, encourage them, and dote over them. Don't get me wrong, he is still a pain and tries to get them in trouble or avoid playing with them when he friends are over, but he is extremely protective. They are instant friends. When I'm having a tough night or Dylan hasn't done his reading homework I will have him read to his brother (s) and all is right in the world.  Lincoln loves his big bro.  Camping this summer. He absolutely idolizes him. If "Bowbie" has his hood on, Lincoln will wear his. His outfits, his mood, his snacks, all reflect whatever his older brother is doing. It is a great opportunity to remind Dylan that whatever his choices are will impact his little brothers but it a...

Turn the Beet Around

See, I told you I wanted to talk about beets. Why? Because they are super awesome. We read a fun book called Tops and Bottoms about a lazy bear and a poor rabbit. The rabbit tricked the bear by telling him he would plant and take care of the garden but he will give the bear the bottoms of the plants and he will get the tops. So the first round of planting he grows things like lettuce, and corn, broccoli. So basically he gets the good stuff and the bear gets nothing. Then he tricks the bear again and says the bear can get the tops and the rabbit will get the bottoms, so he plants things like carrots, beets, radishes and potatoes, all things that you eat out of the ground and discard the tops. In the end the bear learns not to be lazy and the rabbit family doesn't starve so everyone is happy. The boys got a kick out of the mischief in the book and we talked about how we eat different parts of different plants. We planted several different types of vegetables including beets in o...