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Showing posts from December, 2009

It's almost 2010

Well the kids are at Grandma Cheryl's house for a few days and I am debating whether or not I want to drive over to Yakima or not with the threat of snow so I figured I should hop on here and update my intriguing blog. We had a wonderful Christmas and the kids got way too many great gifts and we got to see a bunch of family and I haven't thrown up in a few days so we are all doing great. Shane got to take yesterday (Monday) off so we had a nice long weekend and ended up getting a stove and chest freezer at Sears. I guess those long hours at UPS literally do pay off. We have almost stopped using credit cards (thank you Dave Ramsey, one day we will be debt free) so although it was painful to hand over that much cash, we don't have to pay a single cent of interest on our purchase. The stove we have before was probably around 20 year old and a nice off-while/yellowish color so this new sleek flat top while one sure brings the kitchen up to date. Who knew getting new appliances ...

Week 13

Today is the start of week 13 of this pregnancy, maybe this week I'll get my so called energy back. I went to my MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) meeting today and got to show off my "baby bump" for the first time. So exciting!! I love going there because it's a fun time with other moms playing games, doing crafts and eating goodies. As a leader we were supposed to bake goodies to put in a basket for all the child care workers and I have been so lazy lately that making brownies was the best I could offer. This weekend I will be getting some more baking supplies and actually making it feel a little bit more Christmassy around here. Tomorrow I will also be finishing up the rest of our Christmas shopping. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. Grandpa Poppy sent up a gift card for the kids and we decided to just pick out presents for Dylan rather than letting him so he'll have more to open on Christmas day. (thanks everyone who has sent the kids gifts so far too...

It's SNOW time!!

Yippee for the snow!! Here is Dylan and Liko playing out in the snow we've gotten so far. About 4 inches so far and it keeps coming down, Danielle heard we were supposed to get 9 more inches tonight, we'll see I guess. He is having the time of his life making roads in the snow and being cold. After they came back in to warm up Danielle decided that she was ready to go out and play so now they are both out there doing who knows while the sun goes down. Thank goodness for a fenced in back yard and a little peace and quiet for me :) Also the one picture from inside was from today when he was in "quiet time" and came out of his room with a green face. When asked what happened all he had to say was "it was an accident. I don't know how it happened."

My little plum

Well I am at week 12 (well into it actually but finally getting to posting a picture) and the baby is the size of a plum now. Over 2 inches long and half an ounce. I'm not sure how heavy that is, but at least I know the baby is growing. All of the baby's systems are fully functioning already, that's crazy. After not being able to keep breakfast down I have resorted to just eating ice cream. It can't be that bad for me right? We had our first real snow last night, about 3 inches, so that kids are very excited. We also got around to decorating the tree last night too. Now it is really starting to feel like Christmas! I'm sure we'll get out and try to make a snow man later today - pictures to follow.

Santa time!

Well the picture is a little bit blurry but I got the kids with Santa, the big jolly old man as Dylan so lovingly calls him. This was part of Ellensburg's Moments to Remember that they put on the weekend following Thanksgiving. There is a craft fair with local vendors, Santa obviously, and then a chili feed. After everyone had their fill of chili, ice cream and apple cider we took a tractor ride down town from to fair grounds and watched the turn on the lights in town. There was also a live nativity and a ballet recital. Sort of a fun way to kick off the holiday season and be out in the community. I heard someone say that it's now about 2 weeks to Christmas, is that right? I don't feel like getting the calendar out to verify so it's probably right. It sounds like we won't have any outside lights this year since the weather isn't cooperating. Single digit temperatures aren't my favorite. When we got out all the Christmas decorations the other day Dylan decide...


I'm working on training Dylan to be self sufficient so I can nap all day long, but so far we are only making baby steps. He made his peanut butter and jelly sandwich *almost* all by himself today and once last week too. I've already got him dressing himself (Although I wouldn't have chosen shorts for the sort of weather we are having lately) and we finally mastered him wiping himself. He has also told me that he needs to learn how to read so he can read to the baby when it gets here. I can't believe I am going to have a Kindergardener in the fall! On a slightly unrelated note Shane's friend went into the doctors for a check up and the doctor recommend the Mediterranean Diet to help him loose weight, so Shane has decided that he is going to try it too. After realizing that it costs more to eat a certain way compared to my frugal American way of cooking, he made a trip to the store today. Keep your fingers crossed that he, probably all of us, can stick to it.

11 weeks

Yeppie, I got to hear the baby's heart beat today! It was only for about 6 seconds but I heard it at my doctors appointment. We both looked at each other and smiled and I said "was that it?" and then my mysterious baby floated away and she couldn't find the heart beat again. Oh well at least I have some confirmation that there really is someone inside there. Both the kids were dissappointed to miss it but are still excited and debating if the baby will be a boy or a girl. Also, incase you were wondering, the baby is about the size of a lime now, around 1.6 inches :) Yesterday the kids set up pillows and blankets and had a "Kids Only" movie marathon in Dylan's room. They watched Spy Kids, Little Mermaid and Hitch and only came out for the bathroom or when it was dinner time. Then later in the evening, well after Dylan's bed time he came out and said, "Mom, it's my bed time." I guess he fell asleep during the last movie. Yes they watched ...