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Showing posts from June, 2010

39 weeks

39 weeks today! This is the most pregnant I've ever been since Dylan came 11 days early. Ok baby boy I'm ready. My hips are extremely sore right now so maybe he's dropped or maybe I just sat wrong at the park today but either way I'm going to try to get some walking in and hopefully convince Shane to pick up some Thai food either tonight or tomorrow for dinner. I've also had a return of minor morning type sickness which is dumb but oh well it can't possibly last much longer.


So the picture on the left (or maybe it will come out on the top) is from mid-May where as the one on the right (or the bottom) is from today. Belly is straight out and looks like it is more spread out. It's getting hot here (it's about 82 right now and no wind) and I'm just feeling like I'm done. Shane wants me to wait until Wednesday to work with his schedule and vacation (only in a perfect world!). I have an appointment tomorrow at 2pm so hopefully we will find out if there has been any more progress.... a little more would sure be a nice treat. Yes I still have 10 days left until my due date, but I sure wouldn't mind going a little early. I'm not sleeping now anyway so what the heck right?

-Insert Theme Song from Jeopardy here-

Because you never know when will be your last pregnant photos, here are a few from right now. 38 weeks and 2 days, only 12 until due date. Lots of contractions (painfree so far just weird) and exhaustion but still trying to get things done around here.

Oh Mama

I took Dylan to his first day of Vacation Bible School this morning and saw a lot of friends I haven't seen in quite a while (pregnancy and weeks of sickness haven't helped my social life) and I got the comment "you are actually looking pregnant now." I guess I will be flattered. At almost 38 weeks, I am feeling really good lately. My only complaints are minor but include pinched nerves (or something) right where my leg meets my body when I get up from sitting for a long time or just from walking, some Braxton Hicks (practice/fake contractions-which are perfectly normal and don't mean anything really) and just the general feeling of being big. Baby boy doesn't have much room left and when he stretches, all of my organs get rearranged. Shane has been really sweet lately and has been helping me around the house and always asking how I'm doing or feeling. I think it is finally sinking in that D-day could be anyday now. The kids also emptied the dishwasher ton...

20 days!

Holy cow I am 37w 1d which means there are only 20 days left until my estimated due date! How did this happen? I guess time keeps moving but it is still hard to believe. Side effects from the antibiotic have been taking a toll but at least I only have a few more days of them left. I think I deserve a bath, off to soak.

37 Weeks and going strong

We took this picture on Saturday during the BBQ. Shane stuffed the iconic watermelon under his shirt to humor my crazy belly picture idea. So he's bigger than me but it's still fun. That day we ended up going to the lake after and believe me when I say it is quite a spectacle to see a 36 week pregnant woman in a bikini, no matter how small she is carrying. I think I may have sent some children running. Anyway I had my 37 week appointment scheduled for today but went in yesterday because I wasn't feeling well and good thing I did because with my luck I found out I had Strep Throat. Blah. So now I'm on antibiotics (which are not a problem during pregnancy I am told) for the next 9 days! Yikes. I could have my little one by then. wow. The pills make me a little sick to my stomach even taken with food and I am so drained physically and emotionally but hopefully I can keep up the resting and just deal with it. Baby is measuring 35cm, so he's catching up to what is "...

Sick Day

Well luckily Dylan isn't in school yet or today would have been a sick day. Yesterday he got this weird rapid onset fever and sore throat so we had to make a pitstop to pick up Tylenol from Safeway before picking Danielle up from drivers ed. Then we get home and he rests, gets a bath and goes to bed at 7. He gets up this morning at about 7:20 and says "sorry mom I got up to get a drink of water and puked." Turns out this was in the middle of the night and he just blew it off and went back to bed. At least he let us get some sleep but old puke on a comforter and sheets almost made some fresh puke via me. He still feels a little feverish and hasn't eaten much but says his stomach doesn't feel bad but we have decide to have a movie day today. Poor dude. Luckily he's ok with just hanging out on the couch. Just please, please don't let me get anything. Continued nesting is helping get this house in order, I'm not ready to stop yet!

36 week appt

Well from what I can remember today I am now measuring 33.5cm (up from 31 two weeks ago!) and gained 2-2.5 lbs. Everything is looking good. The baby isn't in any hurry to fall out and as great as it sounds, I am in no hurry to meet him. Keep growing baby boy.

Night of the Ninjas

Dylan has taken a liking to reading short chapter books (some chapters have a picture, some don't have any) especially the Magic Treehouse Books by Mary Pope Osborne borrowed from the library. Today we just finished reading book #5, Night of the Ninjas and now Dylan thinks he knows the way of the ninjas and how to beat the samurai. Now onto book #6.

Brotherly Love

These were taken on Friday, Dylan giving his little brother raspberries, zurberts or blowing kisses... whatever you call them I think it's pretty cute.

Into June... 35/35

35 week picture a day late but still doing good. 35/35 means that I am 35 weeks into the pregnancy and only 35 days left until D-Day, if not sooner. WOW!! Not many new changes to report other than our little guy has gotten the hiccups a couple times in the last few days. They aren't as strong as I remember Dylan having them, but it is a rhythmic tap usually lasting a few minutes so it is pretty cute. Danielle held up a watermelon to her belly today and tried to compare it to my belly. After weighing it in at 14 lbs, it's pretty much the same as my belly with her little brother in it :) Dylan: "Pregnant women have to do lots of yoga." Me: "How do you know that?" Him: "I just do." Danielle: "Man babies sure need a lot of stuff!"

Ultrasounds and Random Thoughts

Yesterday I had another sizing ultrasound in Yakima and while the baby is only estimated in the 23rd %, all is well. He is measuring about 4lbs 13 or 14 oz. Pretty close to 5 pounds. I think they are considered premie before 37 weeks but they won't let them out of the hospital until 5 pounds so if for any reason the little guy decides to come before we are ready then if he gains a few more ounces we wouldn't have to stay in the hospital. I didn't get any more pictures since his face is so far into the pelvis but his heart rate is strong and his belly looks nice and chubby (from what you can see on a fuzzy black and white screen). I made my last run to Target while in Yakima yesterday and picked up a few things that I will need for delivery and a couple things for baby too. At 35 weeks today things are getting pretty real. Only 5 more to go! I told myself I wouldn't consider him coming earlier than this and we got all of our busy weekends out of the way so now I can ta...