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Showing posts from August, 2010

Playing with Toys

Dylan was playing with his action figure Hunter Dan and Brother was watching him. This was one of our first lessons in sharing toys and already Linc is learning to ham it up for the camera and is making some laughing sounds. 8 weeks tomorrow, it's hard to believe.

Bath Time

These are actually in reverse order that they actually happened in and I love how his face goes from pretty serious to curious to enjoyment. Plus you can see all his little rolls. Bath time is one time that Linc is calm and relaxed during the fussy time of evening. Seven weeks and counting, he just keeps getting more and more adorable.


Lincoln had an appointment today and he is weighing officially 12lbs 5oz. He is in the 90% for weight and the 25% for height (although it didn't look like he was quite stretched out as good as normal but whatever that doesn't matter). His head measurement was even high in the percentages too. Holy moly I sure can grow them. Now if I could just work on getting him to not scream in the evening everything would be great.

Just like Daddy

Looking a little grown up except the froggy slippers. Just the guys watching a little tv. Can't quite catch on camera the all elusive smile Lincoln has been giving these days.

It's a Mom thing

For the record, this mom thing is a lot of work. Sure I'm not squeezing in having a real job but that might be a break from having three kids with lives and trying to manage a household. I just want to have a record of what a 10-day block of time like just for my own sanity so here goes. Thursday 8/5 - Dylan wakes up sick and has a temperature. He is lethargic and only eats two bites of mac n' cheese that I made with Lincoln in front pack. Danielle drives into town for the first time alone since getting her license. Worry until I get a phone call that she is in town safe with a friend. Finally I decide I should call the dr. in case Dylan has strep throat again and get a 3:45pm appointment, the last of the day. Sure enough he does have strep and we are off to Fred Meyer to pick up prescription. Get home and make dinner, fritatta, and then the joys of Lincoln's fussy time after 7pm until he finally conks out. Friday 8/6 - Wake up not feeling well. Decide that we are going t...

Sleepy Boys

I got both of my boys in footy pj's the other night. Big brother loves holding little brother... for a while at least. We took the baby in the other day and he is at a whopping 11lbs 3oz already! No wonder newborn sized clothes and diapers are too small for him. He's almost doubled in weight, unbelievable. He's also grown a lot longer but I don't have the official measurement yet. Dylan was doing crafts the other day and thought having a third eye would be hilarious. You can decide for yourself.