Lincoln had an appointment today and he is weighing officially 12lbs 5oz. He is in the 90% for weight and the 25% for height (although it didn't look like he was quite stretched out as good as normal but whatever that doesn't matter). His head measurement was even high in the percentages too. Holy moly I sure can grow them. Now if I could just work on getting him to not scream in the evening everything would be great.
Lincoln had an appointment today and he is weighing officially 12lbs 5oz. He is in the 90% for weight and the 25% for height (although it didn't look like he was quite stretched out as good as normal but whatever that doesn't matter). His head measurement was even high in the percentages too. Holy moly I sure can grow them. Now if I could just work on getting him to not scream in the evening everything would be great.
What a big boy. I miss my niece and nephews. =(