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Showing posts from February, 2012

Keeping Busy Again

Even though I am a stay-at-home mom and Shane has this "time off", time is still flying by for me. I can't believe I am two days away from being 30 weeks pregnant. I can't believe Dylan is two days away from a week until his 7th birthday. I can't believe that Lincoln continues to find new forms of destruction in our home. I can't believe that Danielle is talking about college and her future. Where in the world has the time gone?  Spring break is coming up for Dylan next month (which happens to be the same week Shane is in Reno for the big panel meeting) so we are trying to figure out what kind of stuff we want to do while Daddy is gone. I've been nesting quite a bit which is nice to get some projects done but I also keep wearing myself out, or the combination of two already active boys adds as well. Lincoln is officially moved into the "Big Boys Room" meaning Shane and I will have a room to ourselves for about two months.  We also have decided on...

Just for fun

Dylan and I (and sometimes Lincoln) were looking through Dylan's baby book to see how much hair he had when he was born and to guess how much this next baby will have when we found a piece of yarn. It was the yard used to guess how big around my stomach was at my baby shower (which was Feb. 5, 05 - almost exactly a month before he was born). "Just for fun" we thought we'd measure it against my growing belly now and low and behold it is exactly the same size. I still have three months until this little bundle of joy comes. Oh boy I guess you do get bigger around with each pregnancy. Everybody better watch out.

Getting Healthy and a Family Visit

Shane is a little bit of a germaphobe and hates it when Lincoln touches anything in public places, probably due to the fact that usually one of us in the family has been sick since Linc was born. But here he is playing with the fun toy at the doctor's office. One of the germiest places I can think of but luckily there was hand sanitizer ready and waiting. I guess he's learning to let go a little bit. Yay we finally made it over to visit my sister and her baby (and the rest of my family), did I mention this yet? Seeing that it is mainly just my family that reads this I'm sure you all know how the weekend went but I couldn't help but put up a few pictures of my boys with their new cousin Luke. Lincoln not really caring about the baby on day 1. Dylan being so sweet. Dylan has had about enough time with the baby, he's ready to play banker. Lincoln trying to hug Mommy and his baby (in my tummy) Wrestling the kids to get a family picture with mom. ...