I first saw this idea when my cousin pinned it on Pinterest. I haven't caved to the phenomenon yet because I am being stubborn about it but apparently it's a place where you can see other people's ideas and save them and share them with others. Anyhoo... I saw this picture of salad in a jar . Yes you can make them for the week ahead and as long as you keep the dressing away from the lettuce part (or other soft ingredients) they can last up to a week in the fridge. I haven't actually tried eating one yet, but I made one for my secret sister at MOPS. Since she knows who I am now, I can finally post on this awesome idea. In the bottom I put a layer of prepared raspberry vinaigrette, then a layer of chopped onion, sliced mushrooms, sliced strawberries, leftover quinoa, and baby spinach. My layers aren't as pretty but I think it still looks yummy, is healthy and is a fun, portable, cheap gift for a friend. Yummy Layers! Reusing a throughly washed spaghetti sauce ja...