Wow, we've come a long way in one year! This time last year we had a brand spanking new baby, Danielle just moved back in with us and was getting ready to graduate, Dylan was finishing up the school year and I was getting ready to take over as a co-coordinator of MOPS. Stress was sky high, life was busy but full of love. I've definitely went through quite a few months of the baby blues but I am finally feeling like I am getting my act together and feeling a bit better about everything in general. I can tell because I'm actually planning ahead with freezer meals, getting cute outfits on in the morning, making playdates with friends, and getting out in the yard and doing some gardening (which I haven't had any desire to do it what seems like years! I'm even trying harder to get back to blogging regularly but not quite like I thought I wanted to do before.
At his one year check up Warner's head was in the 75% - which is apparently common in all my children, 50% for height and 25% for weight. He's so busy now that he is walking around that he's probably going to be a skinny minny like his brothers. That kid will eat for days so at least I know I'm not starving him.
We have been having record highs so on Warner's birthday we went out to the Lake for a day of fun with the kids. He wasn't into swimming, just being held by Mommy and bopping to the hip-hop music being played by the college kids hanging out. The older boys loved playing in the "tide pools" created by the overflow runoff. Danielle was even in town so we all got to hang out and take turns at keeping Lincoln out of the water without his life jacket, that little dare devil.
Watersocks! He doesn't like walking around in the grass yet, but he will soon to keep up with this brothers and the big kids.
All four of my kids.
Warner getting to work, trying to sweep the kitchen.
One year post birth, I have a little ways to go but at least I wore a bathing suit in public and didn't freak out too much. Shane is in the best shape of his life now so I'm working on it slowly too. There is supposed to be a gym membership in my near future to lose those extra 5 pounds and several inches. But oh how I Love his chubby baby cheeks.
Love you guys...miss you. Really missing not being there on Saturday. :^(