It has been a while, yet again, but things are going well. I'm growing rapidly (so it feels like) and we get to find out the sex of the baby this week (the 25th!!!). The whole family is going, I'm sure Danielle is bummed she is going to miss her p.e. class, so that should be a good adventure. I'm at 20 weeks now, half way done with the entire process, that is so hard to believe! Right now the baby is between 5 2/3 to 6 1/2 inches long and about 9 or 10 ounces. The average length of a cantaloup, how weird.
We had a fun weekend over visiting my mom and seeing my brother for a few minutes here and there. The kids got to see a fun movie called Planet 51 about an astronaut being the alien on an alien planet and we also had lunch at the park, played some card games and got to visit a bunch.
We are spending this week picking up preregistration paper work for Dylan starting

kindergarten next year and getting back into the swing of preschool. I've really dropped the ball on that since the beginning of the year but I think I needed that rest to recover from the holidays and the get my energy back from the second trimester. I'm feeling better now and haven't felt much morning sickness in a week or two so I'm thinking that is about over with, hooray!
Since we've been having such wonderful weather (about 60 degrees and sunshine!) I guess it's time we get back out there and get used to walking again, but exercise sounds so unappealing. Anyway that's what's going on in a nut shell, more to come soon and then onto the great name debate!
Wow, the baby is the size of Dylan's head! I enjoyed the weekend with you--I'm still smiling:)
ReplyDeletehaha mom, you're sillu! Come up again soon so I can actually visit this time! Let me know the sex of the baby asap so I can start sewing cute stuff for him/her! =] xoxo