Week 29, who ever thought I would finally be here. Crazy to think I have been pregnant and only a handfull of weeks left before we get to meet out little boy. This morning when we were laying in bed before the loathed alarm clock went off for a second time and Shane put his hand on my belly. Little boy kept kicking and moving around and doing a little morning dance. Pretty weird to think I won't be kept awake by kicks and punches for much longer but a screaming, needy infant. Just trying to prep myself. Little boy is now about 2 3/4 pounds and about 16 1/2 inches long. Dylan was about 19 inches long when he was born but 6.15 pounds so close in length but much heavier. Little boy has some pounds to pack on!
That tummy is so dang cute. All baby, just like your momma was with all of you kids.