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Showing posts from January, 2011

Keeping up with the Sadlers

Lincoln favorite new past time, listen closely for "Dada"  Dylan had cowboy day at school and could dress up and meet "real cowboys". We live in a hick town and his school was having an assembly about the cowboy way , or having character. Yes, Lincoln's bib is purplish, but it says I Love my Sister so it's ok :)  Cute big boy outfit Auntie Jackie got Lincoln, while sticking out his tongue. I think it looks like a little pickle. Weird, another tongue shot, he does it a lot. While playing with a plush orange (like the fruit) it sort of landed like this and I thought it looked a little like a bikini top and snapped a pic. Hey you have to have fun with life right?

Worst. Mom. Ever.

So Lincoln his his first big tooth coming in right and he's been a little more irritable than normal (though really not horrible at least) and he was just not wanting to hang out in his exersaucer or high chair while I tried to get dinner going so I strapped him in the front pack and went about broiling the pork. Unfortunately while I turned to answer a question for Danielle while opening the oven door Lincoln lunged forward and grabbed right on the very top. Unfortunately that split second it too me to bat his hand wasn't quick enough and he burned his little fingers. He cried for a few seconds and then kind of stopped so I thought maybe he didn't actually touch it. I was totally stressed out with everything else going on (dinner, trying to disprove the thought that one of the kids thinks I don't support their plans for the future, trying to convince the other one that just because their friend doesn't want to play today doesn't mean they aren't friends any...

Soaking it all In

Because I have a bad habit of zoning out when the tv is on, I've turned it off and told myself it can't come on until a rerun of a show I wanted to see comes on at 11. I can't stay up late so I'm trying to watch shows that will rerun, which is most of them outside of the basic cable channels. So obviously instead of working on my homework about Intercultural Crossings in Indian Music while Lincoln is taking a nap, I'm on here updating you on the trivial matters of my day. A friend told me an interesting revelation the other day. "When you have a child that is an infant you are the most physically exhausted. When you have a child that is just entering school aged you are the most mentally exhausted. When you have a teenager you are the most emotionally exhausted." So the way I see it, since I have one in each category I'm basically the most exhausted I'm going to get and since I'm seeming to do ok, it's only going to get easier from here. Y...

Don't Feed the Bears...

and by bears I mean baby, and by baby I mean Lincoln and by don't feed I mean because I don't want you to get bit and by bit I mean because he has a tooth! That's right last night during one of my random gum sweepings "just to check" I came across a little nubby. It is his front bottom right little tiny baby tooth. So exciting. It's hard to see now let alone get a picture so don't even ask haha.

Rolling Around and My Little Rascals

 Lincoln playing with one of his favorite toys a stuffed spider while rolling around and being silly.  A few minutes later he's scooted himself almost all the way to the tv, watch out crawling is on it's way soon. Time to baby-proof. I can't believe he's over six months old and almost 21 pounds and 27 1/2 inches. I call him my little monster. As soon as said monster is sleeping through the night (which is getting closer and closer, maybe if I pray a little harder) he'll be bunking with big bro. I've spent like hours and hours cleaning (two grocery bags full of garbage and dust bunnies) and rearranging and organizing Dylan's room to try to make room for a crib and all the new toys they both got for Christmas. Unfortunately we also found out that Dylan's old crib got broken in one of my moves so Lincoln will be in the pack'n'play until we decide what to do next. I don't want to buy a crib for like 6 months of use but I'm not sure if it wil...

Too School for Cool

Well Lincoln is finally sleeping better (whoohoo!) except last night (boo!) but he did go easily to bed at 7:30pm (whoohoo!) although I set my alarm for 6:30am on a Saturday to work on my classes (boo!). I never realized what a commodity time was in my life. Hundreds of Thousands of parents do online college every day *I'm making that up but I'm sure it's accurate or even an underwhelming number* so I know it is possible but man I'm really having to rethink my schedule. The baby is starting to take longer naps so I have some time to work between 8:30 and 2:30, but nothing is guaranteed and I am SO not a night person anymore so my best bet is to get up early. After the kids get home it is a mad house until about 8. From signing behavior charts and explaining homework directions to building self confidence and re-explaining how the SATs work and then jumping into making dinner with one hand. My life is blessedly full. I knew going into it that two classes, or 10 credits, ...

Crazy Hair

I just wanted to document Linc's weird long bang type hair before it fell out or the other hair catches up to it. He was born with really long hair and as his lighter hair grows in he still has this cute long part right in the front.

Christmas Revisited

 Christmas Eve, waiting to open one gift.  Trying to bring back my old family traditions.  Checking out all the goods Christmas morning.  Lincoln sandwich  Danielle, me, my sister and Dylan hanging out at her house for Christmas Cuddle time with Daddy

Seahawks victory and smashed peas

 Dylan running the obstacle course while we were waiting for the Seahawks game to start. Dad gave Shane and I the tickets but through some unfortunate events (for him) Shane wasn't able to go and I got to take my favorite 5 1/2 year old. We don't get to do to much with just us anymore so this was extra special.  "Whew Mom, I was running all over, I'm tired now." I guess I need to set one of these up in my yard when he starts getting hyper...  Dylan hanging out. It got down to about 35 degrees that night in Seattle, but the Seahawks managed to win against the Rams and are now in the playoffs. It was pretty awesome to be there for it.  Lincoln has started having baby cereal and some light colored fruits and squash, but this was his first experience with peas. Monday was his half birthday, he's already lived 6 months of his life, so hard to believe!  He's probably thinking "Do you have to have that camera in my face all the time?" Lincoln is ve...