Back to School. Having actually had both kids in school last year, this is the first time they are going back to school. I did get a little bit smarter this year, and I also learned some things for next year (though Danielle will be graduated so that will change some things). I took two different approaches with our two different kids in school.
For Dylan we started early. We've been lucky enough to know several people who give Dylan their kids' outgrown clothes so he didn't need too much this year. I bought a big lot of clothes from an online kids store called Crazy 8. Really cute stuff and really cheap on clearance. He couldn't try it on and I bought a little big because he grows so fast (so some of his pants might be a bit baggy for a while) but it will work out. After about half his budget was gone there we shopped the consignment store in town Hand-Me-Down where we found a great NorthFace jacket knock off for $5, Goodwill and Garage Sales for most of the remainder of the things on my mental list. He also really wanted to get undershirts to wear this year. I don't know if it is because Shane wears them or maybe his friends at school but I think it's one of those things that shows he is starting to get some independence too. Follow that up with some token boxers and socks and he is covered.
With Danielle we sort of did it all in one shot. She got a few things at a local store but since we live in a pretty small town (read: no mall within 30 miles) we drove to the big city to get all of the shopping done and tie it in with dropping her off for a visit with her mom who lives far away. We shopped in the U-District near the University of Washington in Seattle and then went to the Alderwood Mall. About 8+ hours of shopping (not including the 2 hours of one way driving) we had spent all of her budget. I think she'll do ok with what she got. Since she is 17, going on 18 I really had to give her a lot of independence even though most of the shirts she got were short sleeved. If she's cold at least she has a nice jacket from last year.
Me lagging behind, trying to keep up with a shopping teenager at Fred Meyer |
Driving in the U-district in Seattle. Trying to smile but loathing driving in traffic, especially in our giant truck. Don't get me started on finding parking. |
Danielle taking a picture of herself during the drive |
The goods, minus one outfit we let her take to her moms. Still trying to convince her that school clothes are for school. |
Today I pulled out all of Dylan's clothes that I had been gathering and started washing them for the big day. Ten days until the Ellensburg Fair and Rodeo starts, which around here signifies the end of summer. I can't believe how fast it went. Only two weeks left until I have to again put the future of my kids in someone else's hands. Dylan's teacher last year blew my every expectation so hopefully this coming year is great as well. Danielle didn't get the schedule she was hoping for but that should work itself out pretty well after the first week or so.
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