I have really been trying to make a effort to not look so crappy lately. I stay home and play with kids all day. I am finally done nursing the youngest so I don't have to wear such easy access shirts anymore and I've also lost the last of the baby weight but I still just play on the carpet, slave in the kitchen and force the kids to do their homework. On the slight chance that I might see someone besides a neighbor or those previously mentioned kids I will put make up on and try to find an "outfit." Below are two pictures where I felt like I looked pretty good. Why shouldn't I look put together? Especially since I have been married for three whole years now and still want to impress my husband every now and then.
In Seattle on our Anniversary Trip |
At the Ellensburg Fair with cowboy Dylan |
And then I go grocery shopping the first time since school has started and I am feeling pretty confidant in my look when I leave the house. Only half way through my trip I realize that the milk spilled on my shirt didn't just magically disappear it left weird rings on my stomach, my hair is frizzy and needs to be dyed again, and I wore my ratty shoes instead of the new ones I found at a garage sale. Darn it, oh well at least Lincoln didn't scream too many times in the store.
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