If you've ever seen a picture of Lincoln you know he has some wild and crazy hair. I love his sweet wispy curls that fly all over the place. It gives him that cherub-ish look that disguises his wild and crazy personality. And unfortunately it was getting out of control. There was a slight mullet growing down the back of his neck. His bangs were constantly in his eyes. We finally decided to take him in for a hair cut. Yes I could have done it myself but I've screwed up many a Dylan haircut so Shane and I took him in together to get a "professional" hair cut. He HATED it. First we started with him on my lap in the chair. The stylist was able to squirt his hair a little and cut one snip before he started getting wiggly and fussy. Then Shane took over and held him in his arms. That's how most of the haircut went. After the ordeal there was maybe a palmful of hair cut off total, not much at all. But somehow my beautiful little boy looks so much more grown up. Then we r...
Free Range: Parenting boys, homesteading, and simple living.