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Showing posts from February, 2014

The process of eating

Learning how to self feed was quite the process for Warner. He loves food but never really liked me feeding him. He is a self-started, an independent spirit and is always doggone hungry! Shane took a bunch of pictures of him eating a smoothie the other day and in each picture you can almost read his thoughts through the expression in his eyes. Get in my belly. Finishing up drinking straight from the cup. Hum maybe I'll try a spoon. Gotta get this stuff. Not sure if it will fit in my mouth, better open wider.  Yum so good. Get that camera out of my face, I'm eating.  Warner also thinks he likes coffee. So much so that he want just a drink from my coffee all the time. He once came walking into the kitchen from the living room sipping my coffee. (fortunately it was lukewarm by this time) Not a drop on him, I was pretty impressed he got it off the window ledge behind the sofa, climbed down and walked into the kitchen. So impressed that I for...

Snow Day 2014

My boys are rough. They fight and play fight and fight playingly. The are tough on everything. The are boys in every sense of the word. But get them out in the snow too long and oh baby they come crumbling down. Warner is probably the toughest so far. He loves to eat "snowballs" or any snow found anywhere, especially parking lots and the front driveway, where we spend the majority of our snow experience I guess. The boys love the idea of playing in the snow but oh my gosh when it takes 20 minutes to get them out there and I'm not sure if we even play that long it can be frustrating. I want them to stay warm so of course we put on gloves and hats and shirts and jackets and snowsuits and snow boots and warm socks etc. etc. etc. Yes it reminds me of that scene in A Christmas Story. I'm grumpy because I have to go out with them because who know when the last time the dog foo was cleaned out of the back yard and no one wants to accidentally step in something out there. But...

What?!?! Mid-February and no posts in 2014..

I know, crazy right? Hey it's not called Adventures of our perfect, well-behaved, by the book life. We still have been getting messy. We have been adventuring, creating, lounging, yelling, cooking, playing, kissing yowchies, and trying to get through a frigid, yet snowless winter. Warner ate banana cream pie off the floor at Papa's. At least he used utensils, normally he will just get down on his stomach to slurp something up.  My dad and Shane went to the Seahawks playoff game against the Saints.  The boys have too many toys! Is it illegal to not buy them toys for their birthday? Maybe one big gift or an experience instead.  We got the cutest family picture in my sister's back yard on Thanksgiving.  Brother helped little brother with preschool over Christmas break.  Warner's selfie with Daddy and gunga (what he calls him pacifier)  Warner with Mommy and gunga - one day we'll get rid of that thing, right now is not then....