I know, crazy right? Hey it's not called Adventures of our perfect, well-behaved, by the book life. We still have been getting messy. We have been adventuring, creating, lounging, yelling, cooking, playing, kissing yowchies, and trying to get through a frigid, yet snowless winter.
Warner ate banana cream pie off the floor at Papa's. At least he used utensils, normally he will just get down on his stomach to slurp something up.
My dad and Shane went to the Seahawks playoff game against the Saints.
The boys have too many toys! Is it illegal to not buy them toys for their birthday? Maybe one big gift or an experience instead.
We got the cutest family picture in my sister's back yard on Thanksgiving.
Brother helped little brother with preschool over Christmas break.
Warner's selfie with Daddy and gunga (what he calls him pacifier)
Warner with Mommy and gunga - one day we'll get rid of that thing, right now is not then.
Totally blurry hotel fun at Great Wolf Lodge. iphone in dark hotel room doesn't give us the best quality photos.
Yes that is a faux log cabin in our hotel room! We love going to Great Wolf Lodge in Grandmound, WA but usually just get a room with two queen beds. This time we only had the boys with us and it was during their special winter program and final days of a promotion so it was pretty crowded and we ended up getting a fancier room. The Kids Cabin had a cool bunk bed and twin bed in that little room. plus an extra tv so it was almost like we had two rooms. It is such a fun place and we love having access to the attached water park, arcade, restaurants and some free events, but it can be exhausting too.
It's been cold here but there has only been like 3 days of snow this whole winter. Some days we have enjoyed the sunshine so much that it almost feels warm enough to play in the sandbox with only long-sleeved shirt (or Iron Man costumes) in the back yard.
Our Christmas lights are still up, but since we had a Seahawks theme going and they kept winning, we kept them up. Luckily this was the year they WON THE SUPERBOWL! Yay team. People in Seattle are pretty crazy about it. We are pretty crazy about it.
The boys had a movie two watch since football isn't their favorite ... yet. Nani and Grandpa Larry even got them Super Bowl shirts since the youngest two didn't get an awesome jersey like Dylan did for Christmas.
I ask for savings bonds instead of toys. They do get a few new toys but like you they were overflowing. People are happy to help for college and not have to guess what toys they don't have.