To wrap up our long weekend vacation we went to Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. Lincoln has been to the zoo twice before, but this was the first time he actually got excited to watch the animals. The weather was absolutely perfect, and because we went on a Monday, it wasn't that crowded either. Everyone loved seeing the animals up close and almost every animal was out to see. We spent quite a while watching the elephants and Linc will tell you all about it. We also posed with a bunch of the bronze sculptures but didn't get a bunch of pictures of the kids with the animals or looking at the animals. I can only remember to do so many things at once!
Kids watching the elephant |
Lincoln and Danielle |
Boys with a life sized newborn elephant statue |
Listen close you can hear Linc making an elephant noise right at the beginning of the video.
Hugging the birds |
The goofballs trying to fit in a fox den. |
Warner just relaxing in the stroller, he liked to put his feet on the tray. |
Riding a snow leopard. |
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