During the summer, Gogurt had a promotion where if you buy so many boxes you can enter the codes online and get a free child's movie ticket. Since the GoGurts were the same price as the store brand yogurts in a tube I took advantage and got two free movie tickets. However I had a fairly young baby who didn't like to be at home and a babysitter I didn't want to take advantage of for date nights with my husband so they sat unused. I also found some random movie theather gift cards that we had accumulated. I wasn't even sure how much money was on them but I figured even a few extra dollars would help out. Since the printed tickets had an expiration of the end of January I finally convinced Shane to watch Warner and the two older boys and I headed out the door on our special "date" planning on spending a bit of money the boys had recieved as a gift or foot the rest. Of course I stopped by the grocery store to pick up something else and let the boys pick out a special candy to bring (don't get me started, Dylan already pointed out the "no outside food or drink" sign and I had to deal with that issue) and after the printed tickets and part of one gift card we were in the door. We also got a medium popcorn and a medium Sprite to share at *gasp* $9.50. Between the cards, printed tickets and savings at the grocery store we had a fun, cheap date for $5 total. My boys loved watching Rise of the Guardians, I had fun taking them to do something out of the ordinary, we didn't break the bank and Lincoln only had to go to the bathroom once. I was a fun day for all. Except on the way home from the movie Lincoln kept asking when we were going to go on our date...
Well beyond five years that is. February 22 marks our first date and somehow Shane even remembered that. Since I feel like a crumb-bum of a wife lately I set up a special little thing to show him how much these last five years have actually meant to me. (I get that it isn't our wedding anniversary but any day can be special so I wanted to make this special too) I wrote him a little love letter and put out five things that are meaningful in our relationship together, quite the mishmash if you ask me, but it works. In no particular order: 1. Motley Crue - We we to our first concert together over the summer to see Shane's favorite band and I got to get my 80's on while he got to relive the glory days. 2. The Spiderwick Chronicles - We went to see this movie with our nephews for our first official date. I think it's sweet that now the boys watch it all the time. 3. Coffee - We have shared many conversations, hours, and events all while drinking coffee. We both love it ...
Now that's value! I love your stories. They keep me entertained!