After an afternoon of running errands all over town we finally pull into our driveway. What a relief. Right now we are going through the phase where anytime we go into a store, Dylan thinks he is entitled to get some new toy or something else. He's gotten the "money doesn't grow on trees" lecture and the "we only need 2 things at this store" speech but we're still working on it. Distraction worked today when I kept him in the cart seat and brought along animal crackers but then again we were actually there to look for new sweatpants for this ever-growing boy. Anyway I'll call it a successful shopping excursion. Ok so there we are, unloading all the bags (2) and getting the bottles and cans we picked up along the way. We need to check the mail before going inside so Dylan runs ahead. "There's Mail!" He exclaims. Of course I know this means that yes there is mail, but it is way too far in the back for him to reach, or there is too much, or some other reason that I always have to retrieve it even if he says he is going to. On the way back I am still holding the bags (2), the water bottle and pop can, his blanket (which somehow made it into the truck), my overloaded purse, and now the mail. As we walk back to the house he is skipping and gleefully yells, "Look Mom, you are carrying everything and I am holding nothing. It's like I'm on Vacation"
My oldest son just turned 7 and since we are watching every cent going out I tried to be as creative as possible when coming up with the birthday of a life time (until next year). Do: Make Them Feel Important Without Spending Money Waffles with chocolate syrup for breakfast are ok on a special day like this! (I love using a pizza cutter to slice waffles and pancakes for the little guys, especially Lincoln who is still learning to feed himself with a fork) Measuring on the wall of fame, we only write on it once a year now to make it exciting. Dylan grew about 3.25 inches in one year! This momma gets tired quicker than ever being 30+ weeks pregnant and chasing after a rowdy toddler so I didn't do the fanciest cakes (remember the volcano cake from birthday 4 or the mint chocolate chip cupcakes from last year) but I did find some cute stickers that have been in the house for years, put a matching one on both sides of a flat tooth pick and voila, cupcakes to compete with the best ...
hahahahaha I love him