We order our diapers through amazon.com because there are no stores here in our town that sell large boxes of diapers anywhere near the price we are willing to pay. That being said we have a few diaper boxes laying around. I've filled most of them with stuff for our upcoming MOPS garage sale but this particular box has been through quite a lot. First it was a house/garage for Dylan's Zhuzuh pets. Then it became a hide and seek play house. Eventually it became a crazy pull along toy which you have seen in the above video. Sadly this morning the box found its way to the garbage truck because the cardboard won't hold a shape. So long box of fun!
I help out in Dylan's class when I can and the other day they had fun outdoor centers since it is almost the last day of school. My station was bubbles. I love being able to help out and be involved while still taking care of Linc too.
Dylan and some classmates blowing bubbles |
Dylan and Lincoln figuring it out |
We also got to take my nephew, kind of nephew (brother-in-law's girlfriend's son) and the boys to the farmer's market on Saturday. It was such great weather!
Kasey and Dylan waiting in line for balloon weapons, nunchucks and a double sided lightsaber, yippee! |
The boys also got to perform with some locals for a song. They were pretty excited.
Ben, Kasey, Dylan and Lincoln cooling off in the shade. |
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