Yes, I ended up being that girl. The one who just keeps grouping her thank yous together since she can’t keep up with the simple task of posting daily, or even weekly at this point… but things have been busy as you can expect. No wonder people pay other people to run their website because learning about it, doing it and keeping up with it is, whew, tiring. But for me it is rewarding I guess. So that brings me to my blessings.
Day 22
I am thankful for the internet. For all these cool electronic things and websites and other techie things. I am thankful that I can keep track of my family and friends through facebook, to follow a friend and a cousin’s growing bellies through blogs, and to be able to do so much online shopping it is like Christmas every day here when I open a box to find what random thing has arrived. I am thankful that I finally figured out how to download apps onto Dylan’s tablet (8 months after he got it!) so now he can play Angry Birds or Fruit Ninja with the best of them. I am thankful that I finally caved and joined Pinterest last week because boy oh boy are you in for a treat with Christmas snack, craft and activities in the next few weeks partially due to other people’s creative genius. And I am thankful for my blog. It is work and I think about posting all. the. time. and don’t actually, but I am still thankful because I really like thinking I am inspiring, encouraging, or otherwise entertaining myself and the people who may read it.
Day 23
I am thankful that I have siblings. I have this one really cool sister and a brother that is my favorite brother… well I’m lucky I have one of each so I don’t have to decide. They are so special and dear to me. They are funny, interject in conversations just like I do, and we all have a similar level of weirdness. It is great. I wish I could see them more but luckily 2ish hours isn’t too long of a drive. By the way I tried to find my favorite pictures of them not just the most unflattering.
I also have awesome sibilngs-in-law (is that a term or am I coining something new here?). My sister married a great guy who is so much like Shane (in like personality and whit wise, not like career or looks). He is pretty cool and doesn’t loose it when my crew takes over his house from time to time. I’m sure someday my brother will find his princess so I am not worried about that. Shane has two brothers and two sisters and I am happy to say I love them all too. Holidays and family get togethers are always a hoot.
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