Day 25
I am thankful for the sweet voices of my children and the hilarious (to me) things they say. Lincoln has trouble pronouncing a few letter sounds still so when he says something as simple as I love you Uncle Josh is comes out “I huve you unka dosh.” He has special names for his brothers Bobie and Dub. He says things like “that’d be cool” and “dehicious” or delicious. When he is not telling me no or waking up in a cranky mood almost everything out of his mouth melts my heart. Dylan is actually getting witty in his 7 years of living and I’m not sure if he knows it yet. My mom is soon to be married and when I was talking to him he sang “first comes love, then comes marriage… and that’s where it stops.” Oh man I was laughing. Warner isn’t talking yet but his little coos and gigantic squeals are sure fun.
Day 26
I am thankful for coffee. Yes. I love it. I think I have a problem especially since I am still exclusively nursing Warner but I just can’t help myself. Plus Shane is an enabler. I’ve gotten past Starbucks and their magical draw since my lifestyle has changed but a carmel latte is still dear to my heart. It’s drip for this girl. Plus I love flavored creamer with my steaming warm cup of comfort. I would drink it all day if I could but I really try to keep it to 2 cups. Lincoln likes to think he likes it too. Please disregard the toilet paper wrist cuffs he has been wearing for two days straight. I think he thinks they have to do with boxing and punching is cool in his mind.
Day 27
I am thankful for Thanksgiving. Yes it’s a little cliché but the holiday really helps people around me be thankful which reminds me how much I really have. Plus it is a great holiday for food which we all know is something I am into. It is a time for the family to get together. Everything about the holiday smells good (except giblets cooking which is a little gaggy) from the pie to the turkey to the apple cinnamon candles I can’t seem to get enough of. Even the fall colors are dear to me. Plus there are cute little productions like this.

Day 28
I am thankful for the weather. I am not fond of rainy days on end but after all the wild fires we had this summer I swore to myself that I wouldn’t cures the rain… this winter at least. I am thankful that we do get warm sunny days in the middle of fall.. or is it winter technically yet? I am thankful for the peaceful serenity that new fallen snow has on my special neighborhood. I am thankful for the rain that means I don’t have to go out and water my plants. I am thankful that Ellensburg has all 4 seasons so I can enjoy each one and then get sick of it and wait for the next to come.
Day 29
I am thankful for clothing. I used to be a t-shirt and jeans every single day kind of girl. My mom said I went through a sweatshirt phase where she got a little worried for me. Thankfully now I appreciate trying to look good (most days when I have showered or I know that my husband will be around) and keeping myself comfortably clothed and modest enough. I am thankful that my boys aren’t fussy about what they wear and get dressed. Except Lincoln who has taken a liking to just wearing sneakers and basketball shorts around the house all day. I am thankful for fashion blogs like or this one about remixing the wardrobe you have, where I can read about how to try to look more put together even though I mainly just fix peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and pick up toys all day long. Plus I am thankful that I actually fit into the size 7 jeans I bought for myself online for Christmas and stressed for a week that I should have gotten a bigger size. Here are a couple pictures of me trying to look fashionable and then the boys basic uniform (even at 6 months) jeans and t-shirts.
Day 30
I am thankful for Christmas. It is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a time to sing Christmas carols, decorate up the house, bake until our eyeballs fall out, to have marathon wrapping sessions, to have holiday parties and watch great movies. We have so many great ideas about Christmas that I am going to do a bunch of posts about that too. Yippie bring on the holly and mangers I’m ready to party!
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