The first time I heard about
MOPS was in my friends’ parent’s basement when the three of us were watching a DVD about how to raise children. Seems simple enough. Except we were all very pregnant teens and our parents were trying to help us to be the best moms’ we could be for our pending children. Fast forward about three or four years later I had my sweet boy, found an amazing man who wanted to marry me and said I could stay home and raise our children. I finally had a chance to see what that MOPS thing was for myself. And I fell in love. With the message behind it, with the concept of getting moms together and benefitting themselves not everyone else for one day a month. It is a support group of moms for moms. Moms who might not know what the love of another Godly woman get a chance to see what that is like. Child care is provided. We get coffee, treats and even make ourselves a craft that doesn’t include handprints or glitter. We get to hear a message about topics that are relevant to our lives. It’s great. I like it so much that this year I decided to co-coordinate with a good girlfriend, and together with our steering team we are making waves in the Ellensburg community. I don’t work outside of the home but if this is the closest thing to a “real job” that I have now, I am so lucky. If you are interested in joining a MOPS group there is a group finder on the MOPS website or if you are an Ellensburg local then stop by our cool new website
Halloween 2011 – Jess is on the far left and I am in the bee costume. This was the day I told everyone I was pregnant with Warner!
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